Winter Orchestra Concert

Our Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Orchestra Concert

by Kaleo ’20

This week, the assembly was the orchestra concert directed by Mrs. Abbe. The first group that played was Beginning Orchestra. Thomas, Alina, Summit, Lotus, Dominic, Lilyana, Gabby, Vivian, Avelene, Leia, Penelope, and Leif are all the Beginning Orchestra players. They played Dreidel, Up the D Scale, Natalie’s Rose, Caribbean Island, Song For Christine, The D Major Scale, A Mozart Melody, Matthew’s March, Seminole Chant, Donkey Donkey / Bunny Hop, and Jingle Bells. Most of the songs were plucked but one or two were with bows. They played well but they could have been a bit louder. The second group that played was Intermediate Orchestra. Stephanie, Kailee, Kate, Drew, Ada, Cappy, Cooper, Ryder, Ella, Kalena, Zane, and Amaru are all the Intermediate Orchestra players. Intermediate Orchestra played First Scale March, Tribal Lament, Pepperoni Pizza, Frѐre Jacques, D Major Scale Up, Buckeye Salute, Grandparent’s Day, Ode to Joy, For Pete’s Sake, Michael Row the Boat Ashore, and A French Folk Song. Most of their songs were with bows and they also plucked some songs. They played well and they were loud enough. The last group to play was Advanced Orchestra. Lyric, Alyssa, Reyn, Winston, Calder, Paige, Ashlyn, Christopher, Phoebe, Naia, Neve, Julia, Pōmai, Meridian, Arabella, and Alethia. They played Nocturne, Fantasia on an Original Theme, Tangerine Rag, and Classic Christmas Medley. They mostly used bows except for Arabella because she is the harp. They played good and loud and well.
