School calendar


View the Hanahau‘oli School Events Calendar here.

January 29, 2025:

  1. January Community Meeting Notes

November 24, 2024:

Dear community,

Our season of celebration has arrived! Our faculty, staff, and students have been working together to prepare for Makahiki, our very own celebration of the Hawaiian season of Makahiki, a time of peace and thanksgiving. All children will participate in our program tomorrow Wednesday, November 27th at 10:30 am in the Courtyard.

Some key information pertaining to Makahiki:

  • Attendees will be parking on Makiki Street, Makiki Heights Dr, Ke‘eaumoku Street and other appropriate areas. Children are dismissed for the holiday directly after the program has ended around 11:30 am.

Please email with any questions.

July 16, 2024:

  1. July Community Meeting Presentation

  2. July Community Meeting Notes

July 2, 2024:

Dear Hanahau‘oli Friends and Neighbors,

Please join us for our next Community Gathering! This will take place on Thursday, July 11th at 5:00 pm in the Hanahau‘oli School Pavilion. While we do not have many significant updates, we want to share some information about our summer programming and important upcoming dates.

Feel free to park in any open space in our main parking lot, enter from Makiki Heights Road. The gate at 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street will be open for walk-in access.

To RSVP, please fill out the form linked here. Email with any questions.

With aloha,

Anthony Yee, Director of Operations

April 8, 2024:

  1. April Community Meeting Presentation

  2. April Community Meeting Notes

April 4, 2024:

Aloha neighbors,

We will be hosting our beloved annual Grandparents/Kūpuna Day on Wednesday, April 10th. In order to manage parking and minimize the impact to the surrounding community, we have secured valet services for the morning. The valet will be utilizing the property at 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street to park cars for the morning. The arrival time of our guests will be from 8:15 - 9am, with departure from 10:30 - 11am. There will be minimal ingress/egress outside of these times. If you have any questions, please contact me at


Tony Yee, Director of Operations

March 21, 2024:

Dear Hanahau‘oli Friends and Neighbors,

Our next community gathering will be on Thursday, April 4th at 5:00 pm in the Hanahau’oli School Pavilion. Please join us! While we do not have significant updates to share related to the new properties, we want to share updated information about campus security. 

Feel free to park in any open space in our main parking lot, enter from Makiki Heights Road. The gate at 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street will be open for walk-in access.

To RSVP, email

With aloha,
Anthony Yee

Director of Operations

December 6, 2023:

  1. November Community Meeting Presentation

  2. November Community Meeting Notes

The following letter has been sent to all of our Hanahau‘oli community:

November 20, 2023

Dear Parents,

The season of celebration is here! Our faculty, staff, and students have been working together to prepare for Makahiki, our very own celebration of the Hawaiian season of Makahiki, a time of peace and thanksgiving. All children will participate in our program tomorrow Tuesday, November 21 at 10:30 am in the Courtyard.

Some key reminders pertaining to Makahiki:

  • Please be mindful of our neighbors on Makiki Street, Makiki Heights, and Ke‘eaumoku Street and park in appropriate areas. Do not park less than 5 feet from any driveway entrance/exit. Also, please do not move our neighbors’ trash cans as they may incur a citation. We received this feedback from our neighbors and are passing the message along. Below is an image of the school’s surrounding illegal parking areas.

  • There is no need to sign in for Makahiki. 

  • Children are dismissed for the holiday directly after the program has ended around 11:30 am. Please check your child out with their homegroup teacher before leaving campus. There will be no lunch or ASC. All children must be picked up by noon.

Looking forward to celebrating with you all!

With joy,

Lia Woo

Head of School 

October 16, 2023

Dear Hanahau‘oli Friends and Neighbors,

Thank you to those who attended our previous neighborhood gatherings in April and July. We invite you to attend our upcoming informational meeting on November 16th at 5:00 PM at the school Pavilion.  

What: Neighborhood gathering to share Hanahau‘oli property-related updates

Where: Hanahau‘oli School Pavilion, 1922 Makiki Street

When: 11/16/23, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Access and parking: Feel free to park in any open space in our main parking lot, entering from Makiki Heights Road. We will open our Neoha Street, Ke‘eaumoku Street, and Makiki Street entrances for pedestrian access.

Please help us ensure there’s ample seating and refreshments by submitting your RSVP here or by emailing

Thank you,
Tony Yee
Director of Operations

July 13, 2023

Dear Neighbors, 

On June 13, 2023, Hanahau‘oli School staff started using the parking spaces on 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street for summer school. If you have feedback to share, please take a few minutes to complete this short survey

Additionally, here are the notes from the July Community Meeting.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me directly at

Thank you,
Anthony Yee

July 7, 2023:

Aloha friends and neighbors,

We will be repairing the sidewalk surrounding the school on Nehoa and Makiki Streets beginning Wednesday, July 12. Please excuse the temporary inconvenience as we make the area safer and more comfortable for pedestrians. Alakona Corporation will be conducting the repairs. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. We hope you are having a fantastic summer. 

With gratitude,

Tony Yee 

Director of Operations

June 22, 2023:

Dear Hanahau’oli Friends and Neighbors,

Thank you to those who attended our last neighborhood gathering in April. We invite you to attend our upcoming informational meeting on July 6th at 5:00 PM at the school Pavilion.  

What: Neighborhood gathering to share Hanahauoli property-related updates

Where: Hanahau'oli School Pavilion, 1922 Makiki Street

When: 7/6/23 at 5:00 PM

Access and parking: Feel free to park in any open space in our main parking lot, entering from Makiki Heights Road. We will open our Neoha Street, Ke‘eaumoku Street, and Makiki Street entrances for pedestrian access.

Please help us ensure there’s ample seating and refreshments by submitting your RSVP here or by emailing

If you are not able to attend, we will be posting the notes and handouts her on our community portal.

Thank you,

Tony Yee

Director of Operations

June 13, 2023:

Aloha Neighbors and Community Members, 

Happy Summer! 

We are sharing the recording of the April 20, 2023 Makiki Tantalus Neighborhood Board meeting, within which Hanahau‘oli School presented updates and answered questions. You can find the written copy of the April Makiki Board Meeting notes here

Employees have just begun to park at our 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street lot. Once it has had more prolonged use, we will send out a survey for feedback later this summer.

As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Tony Yee at or 808-949-6461.

May 1:

Aloha neighbors,

Happy May Day! 

We will be trimming hedges on the Nehoa Street and Makiki Street sides of campus on Wednesday, May 3rd. 

Please pardon the temporary inconvenience as our goal is to improve conditions for pedestrians. 

With thanks,

Tony Yee

April 25:

Dear Neighbors,

Our Kindergarten and 1st graders are studying food. As a part of this unit, they will be learning how to cook in an imu.  

We will be using an imu on the following days:

Thursday, April 27th (a few hours in the morning) 

Thursday, May 11th overnight until the morning of the 12th. 

Per fire regulations, the Honolulu Fire Department will be notified. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions.

Thank you,


April 7, 2023:

  1. March Community Meeting presentation

  2. March Community Meeting handout

  3. March Community Meeting notes

  4. DPP Approved Traffic Plan (and Map document 1 and Map document 2)

March 27, 2023: Community Gathering - 5:00 PM

Mahalo to all who attended. Notes and additional documents coming soon.

October 24, 2022

Aloha! Please note our Children’s Fair will be happening on Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 10 am to 3 pm on campus.


August 22, 2022

Aloha Neighbors, 

We are excited for a new school year and the opportunity to positively impact children and families through joyous work. We wanted to share key updates and information with you. 

We have made good progress on the permitted improvements for 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street. The new lava rock wall is complete, and we hope that you are as pleased as we are with the new “look” fronting Ke‘eaumoku Street. We will begin constructing the planned perimeter masonry walls, a ramped entrance from our existing campus, perimeter fencing, and a new gate and concrete driveway entrance from Ke‘eaumoku Street. We look forward to grassing the majority of the lot by the end of December.

As previously communicated, we continue to take steps to make 1921 and 1931 Ke‘eaumoku Street safe spaces by removing debris, trimming trees, etc. In a continued attempt to keep you abreast of our activities, we want to advise you of our plans regarding the dilapidated structure on the 1931 property.

The School wants to do all we can to prevent potential injury from the collapsing structure and to avoid a potential habitation of houseless persons and/or with the added potential of a fire. Neighbors have also expressed the same concerns regarding this structure. Therefore, we have a plan to demolish the structure in accordance with the permit that we have applied for. We have removed three large dumpster loads of discarded household items (left behind by the former owner) as well as the green waste. We have worked with a pest control company to address the vector control measures. We have terminated all electrical, communication, gas, and water service to the structure. All necessary steps required by the City have been completed. We have a demolition bin at the ready to swiftly complete the work and remove the debris. We anticipate this work to take 3 - 4 days. 

Additionally, we are working with the City on a temporary use of the new property, and will convene a neighborhood meeting when we have news to share. As always, please contact me directly should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your continued understanding and cooperation as we make the property safe and usable.

We will post a copy of this letter on our online community portal at: Just a friendly reminder that you can find all our communications there, with our last communication being on July 11, 2022 (just over a month ago). 


Anthony Yee
Director of Operations
Hanahau‘oli School

Meeting notes

April 24, 2022 - Neighborhood Gathering on Campus Meeting

September 22, 2019 - Neighborhood Gathering on Campus Meeting

Sign-up for email updates

Stay in touch with Hanahau‘oli School by submitting your email address to the form above.


Why did Hanahau‘oli School purchase these properties?

It has been a long-standing goal of the school to impact a broader slice of the community. The Hanahau‘oli School Board of Trustees has been planning for land acquisition for many years. In recent history, Hanahau‘oli  accomplished this goal of reaching more children, families and educators programmatically via outreach through our Professional Development Center (Teachers Teaching Teachers), our "The Skills We Need" summer program (free quality summer learning for Hawaii Department of Education students), and our "Progressive Youth Leadership Academy" (summer leadership program for teens). Prior to the pandemic the school purchased 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street. Due in large part to the seller's market created by the pandemic, 1921 and 1931 also were put on the market and the school was fortunate enough to be able to purchase both properties. 

Does this mean Hanahau‘oli School will be increasing its student population?

We have not yet solidified a long term plan but the process of creating this plan will be very measured and take time. We will be working closely with all stakeholders (our neighborhood, our school community, and local government) to ensure a plan for responsible, respectful, and sustainable use of the land is created collaboratively.

What has already been done?
(As of April 2022)

The focus has been to clean, stabilize and secure the properties. 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street has been cleared of unsanitary and unsafe structures, several hundreds tons of waste, and the contaminated soil was remediated.Also, a temporary fence was erected to prevent unauthorized entry. 

1921 Ke‘eaumoku Street has been secured (boarded) to prevent squatters and we have removed years of green waste, and cut down or trimmed any trees that were unsafe. At the 1931 Ke‘eaumoku Street property, we have removed several roll-offs worth of abandoned junk, safely removed bee hives that posed a danger to neighbors or anyone entering that area of the property. 

What are the immediate plans moving forward?
We obtained permits for grading and building a CMU perimeter wall on the 1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street property.

We have submitted for a demolition permit to demolish the inhabitable house at 1931 Ke‘eaumoku Street. That will happen soon after the permit has been granted. 

Our goal is to make an open area for children to play and have an area where cars can park to alleviate pressure on neighborhood street parking.

What impact will there be on traffic?
We anticipate minimal increase to daily traffic. When grading or demolition work commences, there will likely be additional large vehicles entering and exiting the properties.

Photos & Maps

Joyous Work in Progress