Our Young Authors -- Joyous Traditions of the Orange and White

As part of 2017-18 Kulāiwi studies on community with a special focus on the Hanahau‘oli community, the Kulāiwi students decided to study the traditions at Hanahau‘oli School. The young authors described how they loved having a choice to select which tradition they wanted to research. They used resources, visited Archives with Mrs. Ho, interviewed Dr. Peters, parents, and other teachers. Together, they brainstormed how to present the information.

The students came up with diverse ways to share what they learned, e.g., art, fun facts, poetry, and posed questions, such as “should the tradition of assemblies continue or what will the Children’s Fair look like in the future?” The beautiful illustrations by each of the students vividly bring to life their writing!

Finn and Riley made a special presentation to their parents, Ian and Jane Gillespie. Mrs. Gillespie is a publisher and book layout designer. She took all the children’s artwork and text and did the layout design of the book and published the book as well as a donation to the school. The students also acknowledged Mrs. Ho who worked with them in Archives and helped them with their research.

The students hope to keep our traditions alive for the next 100 years!