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Using Math Games to Support Learning in Grades 3–12

Nsights Math Games Workshop (1).png

Using Math Games to Support Learning in Grades 3-12

Date: September 8, 2020

Time: 3:30-5:30 PM (Hawaii Standard Time)

Location: Online via Zoom

Cost: $60, includes a free digital copy of NSights Math Games to Promote Conceptual Understanding

Math games provide opportunities to bring learning to life, actively engage students, and enhance conceptual understanding. Often, math games only focus on skills review, and miss valuable conceptual learning opportunities. In this workshop we will introduce educators to a toolkit of games that emphasize conceptual understanding and strategy development, which allow students to use their new skills and further develop their understanding of mathematics.

Workshop participants will receive a digital copy of NSights Math Games to Promote Conceptual Understanding, produced by the Curriculum Research and Development Group of the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, College of Education. In our virtual time together we will learn how to implement several featured games and explore ways to use students’ experiences to promote stronger math understanding and achievement in number and algebraic thinking. In some games, there are different levels or versions that may range from simple to more complex mathematical ideas, which allow educators to match the games to the needs of students. Number relationships and generalizations that lead to number flexibility, operation sense, and logical reasoning are foundational to the games, with learning outcomes closely aligned to late elementary through high school standards.